Yoga at Change

Classes offered are Vinyasa, Yin, restorative, Iyengar, extra gentle and Sampoorna yoga. Classes are offered all week and at all times from morning to evening. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat to class with you (or purchase at their store). Allow 10 minutes to sign and settle in before class. The studio accommodates 15 students per class, so be there early to get a space.


New students get their first 3 classes at a special price of $25.00 (valid for 1 month). Drop in rate is $16, 8-class card (valid 3 months) is $112 ($14 per class), 12-class card (valid 3 months) is $156 ($13 per class), 16-class card (valid 3 months) is $192 ($12 per class). 8, 12 and 16 class passes can be shared between family members or friends. They have a scholarship rate of $7/class for seniors on a fixed income.


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400 Ben Franklin Ct

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Contact Info

Phone: (650) 340-9642 or email: