Redwood Regional Park
The park's 1,829 acres is home to a forest of coast redwood, other evergreens, chaparral, and grasslands. Wildlife includes rare species such as the golden eagle and Alameda striped racer snake. You are likely to see deer, raccoons and rabbits. Redwood Creek runs through the park and is home to the world-famous rainbow trout that spawn in the creek and migrate from a downstream reservoir.
Fishing is not allowed in the park.
Operating Hours
Open from 5 AM and 10 PM.
Vehicle and dog fees are collected only on weekends. Guide-service dogs are free.
Disabled Access
Some picnic sites, Canyon Meadow Staging Area and Skyline Gate Staging Area are wheelchair accessible.
Click for MapAddress
7867 Redwood RoadVisit Google Maps for this Address
Take AC Transit bus #46A from Coliseum BART. Deboard on Skyline Boulevard at 11500 Skyline Boulevard (the former administrative headquarters) just before intersection of Joaquin Miller Road.
Contact Info
Phone 1-888-327-2757 option 3, extension 4553.