Almaden Quicksilver County Park

The park is the site of over 135 years of mining activities with remnants of mining structures throughout the park. All mines and adits have been sealed except for the San Cristobal mine that can be viewed from behind a locked gate. The park covers a total of 4,152 acres with over 34 miles of hiking trails, some of which are shared with equestrians and bicycles.  Wildflowers are abundant in the park in early spring. There is drinkable water at the Hacienda and Mockingbird Hill entrances.  Ranger guided nature and history walks are available upon request.


Dogs must be on leash.

Operating Hours

Open all year from 8 a.m. until sunset.



Disabled Access

Many of the parks facilities are disability accessible.


Click for Map


Parking lot at the corner of Almaden Way and Almaden Road

Almaden Way & Almaden Road

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There are three entrances to the park with parking lots at each entrance.

Contact Info

Phone: (408) 268-3883