Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve
This is a 1700 acre park containing a diversity of flora including grasslands, oak woodlands and oak savannas. There is only one trail, the three mile, multi-use Boccardo Loop Trail that is open to hikers, bicyclists and equestrians. This trail is a 1100 foot steep climb and can only be reached through Alum Rock Park via the North Rim and then Todd Quick trails or from Sierra Road. There is no potable water available.

Operating Hours
7 AM to 6 PM
Parking up to Eagle Rock lot is free at Alum Rock Park if you want to hike up to Sierra Vista. If you want to hike from the top, use the Sierra Vista Point entrance and parking lot.
Disabled Access
Click for MapAddress
Sierra Vista Point, Sierra Road, San Jose, CA 95132
From I-680, exit east on Berryessa Road. Follow Berryessa to Piedmont Road and turn left. Go right at Sierra Road. Drive to the top of Sierra Road. Vehicle parking area and equestrian parking will be on the right.
Contact Info
Phone: 408-224-7476