Oakland Zoo
The Oakland Zoo is a nonprofit organization founded in 1922 and managed by the East Bay Zoological Society. Exhibits include the African Savannah, Rain Forest, Childrens Zoo and includes animal feedings and a wildlife ampitheater for live animal shows. Volunteer opportunites include being a zoo ambassador and docent teaching people about the animals, animal management, animal behavioral observation and habitat restoration.

There are three free training classes about the childrens zoo, african savannah and rainforest so you are ready to volunteer. If you complete all three you are qualified to be a docent.
Operating Hours
The Zoo is open daily from 10:00am to 4:00pm.
You may have to pay the large parking fee.
Disabled Access
Although the Oakland Zoo is wheelchair accessible, some of their pathways are steep and may be challenging for some attendants tending to manual chairs. Individuals with service animals are welcome.
9777 Golf Links RdVisit Google Maps for this Address
You can take the AC Transit Bus line 46 to the zoo. This line stops at Oakland Zoo hourly, roughly between 9am and 6:30pm daily. For exact times please visit the 46 Line schedule page on AC Transit's website.
Contact Info
Phone: 510-632-9525 or Email: docents@oaklandzoo.org