Adaptive Physical Education

Fitness classes cover exercise routines and use of exercise equipment and is designed for individuals of all levels of ability. Classes are focused increasing cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and balance.  Instructors design and implement individualized exercise programs for all students.  The classes are drop in or pay by session. Enrollment can be done through the instructor before class.  They have bathrooms and water fountains available on site. 


All ages and abilities are welcome. 


For a schedule of classes, please see:


Drop in fees are $5 to $8 per class and if you register for whole sessions, fees are $5 per class.  People on limited income may apply for a scholarship.  Free parking is available.

Disabled Access

The premises are completely wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking is nearby. They serve clients with special mobility needs.


Located at the Community Wellness Center, part of the Veterans Memorial Senior Center

711 Nevada St

Visit Google Maps for this Address


Traffic is one way so enter onto Saint Francis Street and drive behind the Senior Center to reach Nevada Street.  The Wellness Center Building will be on your right side.

Contact Info

Phone: (650) 368-7732 or email: