Full Review: Calero County Park

From highway 101, take Bailey Ave heading southwest which intersects with McKean Rd.  Make a left (head south) on McKean Rd and heading away from the Calero Reservoir.  About a mile down the road you will see a wooden sign for the park on the right hand side of the road.  Head down the road past the sign until you reach a medium sizesd dirt parking lot that is for cars and horse trailers.  There is a portable restroom beside the parking lot.  Parking is free.


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      Calero County Park sign                          Parking lot


The Los Cerritos trailhead with a map of the area is just across the road from the parking lot. 


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These pictures cover a three mile dirt loop that runs past the Calero Reservoir first from close and then from above so there are close up and then panoramic views of the reservoir and the surrounding hills.  The Los Cerritos trail passes the Los Cerritos pond and then intersects with the Pena trail. 


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           Los Cerritos pond                 Tall grasses along the hike


Stay on the Los Cerritos trail that will pass the Calero Ranch Stables.  Then you will start to see views of the reservoir including the people fishing and jet skiing. 


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        Calero Ranch Stables                  First view of reservoir


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                                 Views of the reservoir



             More grasses


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               Fishing boat                                Person jetskiing


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                Grassy trail                                   Wildflowers


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View from above the reservoir                Panoramic view


After about two miles, the Los Cerritos trail meets up with the Pena trail.  Make a left on the Pena trail to connect back to the Los Cerritos tral.  Bear right on the Los Cerritos trail and head back to the parking lot.


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                                      More wildflowers



          Los Cerritos trail