Adult Low-income in East Bay
AIWA works with low income, limited English speaking Asian immigrant women workers employed in the garment, hotel, restaurant, electronics assembly and other low wage industries in Oakland. AIWA seeks to empower women through education, leadership development and collective action, so that they can fight for dignity and justice in their working and living conditions. Volunteer to teach specific skills related to the workplace.
Volunteer your time and services in helping our low income client community obtain equal access to our justice system. They welcome attorneys and civic minded individuals who wish to assist their attorneys and advocates in representing clients before judicial and administrative bodies.
Volunteer to ensure that everyone lives in safe, decent and affordable housing. Opportunities include working on a construction site, helping in the office, serving on a committee and helping to plan events.
Volunteers deliver meals to home bound seniors.
Rebuilding together rehabilitate the homes of low income homeowners, particularly the elderly and disabled, so that they may live in warmth, safety and independence. There are three different ways to participate: (1) Rebuilding Day Skilled Volunteers need to be skilled in carpentry, flooring, plumbing, electrical and other trades. (2) Rebuilding Day Volunteer with no specific skills but bring a willingness to learn. (3) Committee Volunteers help select the projects, coordinate events and materials, fundraising and recruit volunteers.