Adult Education in Mountain View

Please select an activity of interest to you.

Community School of Music and Arts (Mountain View)

The Community School of Music and Arts provides high quality arts education, performances and exhibitions. They need volunteers to assist instructors and students with art classes and camps and help with periodic concerts, art exhibit receptions and presentations.

Day Worker Center (Mountain View)

The Day Worker Center was established  to provide job matching services between day workers and  local homeowners and businesses.  They have a wide range of volunteer opportunities and do their best to match the opportunities with your skills, interests, and schedule. Examples include (1) Skills Instructors: teach the use of tools for gardening, moving, housecleaning, carpentry, plumbing, painting, etc. (2) English and  ESL instructors. (4) English Tutors: Work one on one with a worker to improve their English skills. (5) Health Education Instructor: teach modern hygiene, nutrition, and health practices. (5) Financial Skills Instructor: teach basic modern finances. (6) Employment Skills Instructor: help workers with resumes and job searches; match job advertisements and laborers.

Mountain View and Los Altos Adult Education (Mountain View)

Free tutor training and materials are provided for you to help adult students who want to improve their basic reading, writing, math and pre GED skills.